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"With Me": More Than A Loose Leash

With me course cover

The dog training profession has gone through many stages of what it expects from dogs on the leash. From military style, to just some slack in the leash and everything in between, the pendulum has swung hard in both directions.

Our take is this: An attentive, happy dog is less likely to develop reactivity towards dogs, people or moving things and because of that, we teach a much more attentive walk than simply a loose leash. 

While free is free and the dog can sniff and run and do what they please, when we pass others on trail, we need a dog more interested in engaging and working with us than the scary, not so nice dog we're passing.
Since the more fun a dog has in training, the more they'll want to do it, we are religious nuts when it comes to making sure the K9 student is having a blast.

I mean, why else do we work with dogs? We're crazy about them.

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Take 25% off this course through the end of May with Promo code Pawsome25


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